Peace, Love & Beginnings

The Birth of a Dream: From Whispers to Reality

  In every great endeavor, there exists a humble beginning—a spark of an idea that ignites a journey. For us, that journey commenced in 2013, amidst the hustle and bustle of organizing a local school event—a 5K and 10K road race. Little did we know, that event would mark the genesis of something much grander—a shared vision, a passion for experiential education, and the birth of our business.

  The whispers of our compatibility as coworkers began during those early days when Leigh, Tony & KC were brought together to lend a hand in orchestrating the race. As we navigated through the intricacies of T-shirt designs, race setup, and packet pickup, our conversations meandered through various other topics, eventually settling on our shared love for experiential education. Over the course of the next seven years, amidst the whirlwind of family responsibilities and other projects, we found ourselves repeatedly drawn back to the power of play as we reminisced about the groups and places that had honed our skills as facilitators. Ultimately realizing, the role that drew us each to experiential education was its ability to foster authentic connections and meaningful conversations through play.

Then came 2021, a year marked by both challenges and opportunities. In August, two local schools approached Leigh, seeking her expertise in team building and asked her if she could conduct a professional development training for 160 teachers and staff. It was a daunting task, but one that resonated deeply with our shared values. Turning to KC for assistance, Leigh found more than just a partner in planning. Together, they crafted a comprehensive strategy, gathering the right people and resources to execute a memorable and impactful training session. As the day drew to a close and the buses departed, a profound realization settled upon them both, what they had envisioned for years was not just a dream but a calling waiting to be answered.

  In that moment of clarity, fueled by their collective experiences and unwavering passion, Leigh, KC & Tony made a decision, it was time to turn their shared dream into a reality. They recognized that the world was in need of quality programs that leveraged the power of play in all its forms. And with their combined skills, determination, and shared vision, they knew they had everything they needed to make it happen.

 This is where our journey began. A journey fueled by the belief that all good things start with an idea and the courage to pursue it. Today, as we look back on our humble beginnings, we are reminded that every whisper of possibility carries within it the potential to transform lives. As we continue to tread this path, we do so with gratitude for the past, excitement for the future, and an unwavering commitment to the power of play in shaping a better tomorrow.


Peace, Love & EDR